The Motto of the Project ‘Education is the movement from darkness to light.’
Allan Bloom
Education is the most powerful weapon for fighting aganist brand new unexpected problems such as COVID 19.
During Covid period,the schools and policy makers have found out that digital technologies are an inseparable part of today’s learning process.
A Passion for STEAM via Games
STEAM is another crucial component that 21st Century Schools have to focus on, so setting students up for future success means
exposing them to STEAM disciplines holistically in order to develop their critical thinking skills.
Furthermore,this educational approach means that students who are taught under a STEAM framework are not just taught
the subject matter but they are taught how to learn, how to ask questions, how to experiment ,how to create and how to
solve the problems, teenagers are into technology out of school, the fact that school doesn’t keep up with technological
development makes them lose interest on school activities.
Games and gamification both can lead to high levels of learner engagement and motivation.”
Gamification is not just about playing games. It is about adding game elements to non-gaming settings. Some of these game mechanics include leaderboards, badges, and rewards.
Karl Kapp
Professor-Analyst- Speaker- Learning Expert